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About us
Our dedicated team is here to help you look after your health. We can diagnose and treat you when you are ill, and we also work with you to manage your long-term conditions. We have clinics covering a wide range of healthcare issues, including routine screening and vaccinations.
We will always try and signpost you to the service or clinician best-placed to help meet your particular needs. Technology also means that you can now do a lot of tasks online, such as ordering a repeat prescription and booking or cancelling an appointment.
City View takes pride in being a Training Practice, helping the NHS to train the skilled people it needs. We have Registrars working within the Practice, who are fully qualified doctors training to be GPs. For further details, please click here. You may sometimes be asked to consult with one of our Registrars. As part of their training, a Registrar may need to video your consultation. If you are happy to be recorded, then you will be asked to complete a short consent form. If you do not wish to be filmed for the purposes of training, please let the Registrar or Reception staff know before your consultation.
We also help to train medical students and student nurses, and they will sometimes be on placement within the Practice for a few weeks, working alongside our permanent members of staff. For further details, please click here.
City View Medical Practice is run by South & East Leeds GP Group Limited and is a member of the Beeston Primary Care Network (PCN), working together with local practices to deliver services to patients. We are commissioned by the West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) and are regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
We operate a zero-tolerance policy with regard to violence or any kind of abuse towards our team members or anyone else on the practice premises. Anyone abusing this policy may be reported to the Police and removed from the practice list.
Our Patient Information Leaflet is available here.
Registering as a patient with City View Medical Practice
We are proud to be a ‘Safe Surgery’ for everyone in our community, and all are welcome. Everyone in the UK has the right to free care from a GP. If you don’t have proof of ID or address, you can still register. Immigration status or nationality do not matter. Our Reception team will not ask to see immigration documents and will not share your information with the Home Office, unless serious crime is involved. Please ask for an interpreter if you find it difficult to communicate in English.
The easiest way to register is on our website at If you are unable to get online, you will be required to complete a paper registration form (PRF1) and a new patient questionnaire. These forms can be collected from Reception or posted to you. If you wish to sign up for online services at the time of registering, we do require proof of identification and address.
Before registering, we would encourage patients who take regular medication to obtain a prescription from their current practice. Medical treatment is available from the date of registration. Following registration, all new patients are asked to attend a New Patient Medical with a member of our Healthcare Team.
Listed below are the dates we will be closed for staff training during 2025/26.
We are a training practice and we are committed to helping to train GP Registrars and Nurses.