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Some things are not covered by the NHS.

Private Medical Services

You may have to pay a fee for certain services that are not covered by the NHS. These fees reflect the time it takes for the GP to look at your medical records and some administrative time.

Services include things like private health certificates, insurance claim forms, HGV/taxi medicals and some travel vaccinations.

Click here for a current list of non-NHS Services.

Private Medical Forms

There are also times when we may be asked for information about a patient’s health, such as when you are applying for a mortgage or life insurance. We only do this with your permission and you have the right to see the report before it is sent. To avoid any delays, please make sure you sign the consent form that the company gives you.

For further information regarding why we make charges, please click here.

City View Medical Practice
Beeston Hill Community Health Centre
123 Cemetery Road
LS11 8LH (for satnav use LS11 8BS)
Tel 0113 467 7515

Find us on a map

Shafton Lane Surgery 
20A Shafton Lane
LS11 9RE
Tel 0113 467 7515

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Opening hours
Monday-Friday 8.00am - 6.30pm